Field Workout – Presented by Cerus

For Time: 12 Min Cap 

14 x 40’ Shuttle Runs 

25/20 Calorie Row 

5 x 40’ Sand Bag Bear Hug Carry (150/100) 

2 x 40’ Hand Stand Walk 

40/30 Calorie C2 Bike 

2 x 40’ Hand Stand Walk 

5 x 40’ Sand Bag Bear Hug Carry 

25/20 Calorie Row 

14 x 40’ Shuttle Runs 

Read the workout description and standards.


Floater Workout –  Presented By Train Harder Weightlifting 

4 Minutes To Establish 

A Max Complex Of:





*Power or squat clean is allowed.

Read the workout description and standards here.

Rig Workout –  Presented By  WOD Outlet and Stoic Physio

2 Score Event 

For Time: 12 Minute Cap 
Alt DB Snatch (70/50) 
Toe To Bar 

Straight Into…. 

AMRAP (remaining time) 
Wallball (30/20) 
Bar Muscle Ups 

Read the workout description and standards here.

Field Workout – Presented by Cerus

For Time: 12 Min Cap  

14 x 40’ Shuttle Runs 

25/20 Calorie Row 

5 x 40’ Sand Bag Bear Hug Carry (100/70) 

2 x 40’ Hand Stand Walk or 4 x 40’ Bear Crawl 

40/30 Calorie C2 Bike 

2 x 40’ Hand Stand Walk or 4 x 40’ Bear Crawl 

5 x 40’ Sand Bag Bear Hug Carry 

25/20 Calorie Row 

14 x 40’ Shuttle Runs 

*Choice of Hand Stand Walk or Bear Crawl.  Must stick to one or the other for the entire workout. 

Read the workout description and standards.

Floater Workout –  Presented By Train Harder Weightlifting 

4 Minutes To Establish 

A Max Complex Of:





*Power or squat clean is allowed.

Read the workout description and standards here.

Rig Workout –  Presented By  WOD Outlet and Stoic Physio

2 Score Event 

For Time: 12 Minute Cap 
Alt DB Snatch (50/35)
Toe To Bar 

Straight Into…. 

AMRAP (remaining time) 
Wallball (20/14) 
Chest To Bar 

Read the workout description and standards here.

Field Workout – Presented by Cerus

For Time: 12 Min Cap

14 x 40’ Shuttle Runs 

25/20 Calorie Row 

5 x 40’ Sand Bag Bear Hug Carry (70/50) 

4 x 40’ Bear Crawl 

40/30 Calorie C2 Bike 

4 x 40’ Bear Crawl

5 Sand Bag Bear Hug Carry 

25/20 Calorie Row 

14 x 40’ Shuttle Runs

Read the workout description and standards.

Floater Workout –  Presented By Train Harder Weightlifting 

4 Minutes To Establish 

A Max Complex Of:





*Power or squat clean is allowed.

Read the workout description and standards here.

Rig Workout Presented By  WOD Outlet and Stoic Physio

2 Score Event 

For Time: 12 Minute Cap 
Alt DB Snatch (35/20) 
Hanging Knee Raise 

Straight Into…. 

AMRAP (remaining time) 
Wallball (14/10) 
Burpee To Plate

Read the workout description and standards here.

Field Workout Description & Standards


The field event starts with the athlete standing on the start mat.  At 3-2-1 go the athlete will begin their first shuttle run by running to the other end of the field (40’), crossing the line with both feet and touching the ground with 1 hand.  This will count as 1 length or repetition.  The athlete will then make their way back to the other end of the field, and so on until they have completed 14 shuttle runs.  Next the athlete will complete 25/20 Calories on the C2 Rower.  After completion the athlete will return the rower handle to the start position, and move onto the 5 bear hug carries.  Similar to the shuttle run, the athlete will carry the bag 40’ across the field.  Shoulder carries are not permitted.  Upon completion the athlete will drop the bag past the line, and start the 2 Handstand walks / 4 Bear crawls.  Hands and feet must start behind the line at the start of each rep. Reps do not have to be unbroken.  Upon completion the athlete will finish on the opposite end of the field, where they will complete a 40/30 calorie C2 Bike.  Once complete the athlete will perform 2 more hand stand walks, 5 more bear hug carries, another 25/20 calorie row, and finally 14 more shuttle runs.  Workout is complete once the athlete has returned to the start mat.


Score is time all reps are completed or total reps completed at 12 Minute Cap.


C2 Bike: The damper can be at any setting desired. Athletes are responsible for keeping monitor on by not leaving idle for prolonged periods. Judges will not assist in handlebar and seat adjustment. 

C2 Rower: The damper can be at any setting desired. Athletes are responsible for keeping monitor on by not leaving idle for prolonged periods. The rower handle cannot be dropped and must be placed in rack when changing athletes. Oncoming athlete must be seated on rower before pulling handle to begin stride.

Sandbag Bear Hug Carry: The athlete will hold the sandbag entirely on the front of the body, lower than the chin and above the thighs. Once secure the athlete will carry the sandbag in this position to the designated marker. At no time can the bag be carried on the shoulders, at or below the knees. Athletes must start with both feet BEHIND the starting line holding the bag, cross the 40ft marker to complete a good rep. 

Handstand Walk: The athlete must start with feet BEHIND the starting line, and when kicking up, the hands (entire hand, including palm and fingers) must also start BEHIND the line. Stepping across the line or landing with the hands across the line when kicking up into the handstand constitutes a no rep. If at any time the athlete comes down from the hands, he or she can start with hands at the last point of contact with the ground that the judge designates. Both hands, including palms and fingers, must cross the 40ft marker. The athlete may turn while in the handstand, switch partners, or drop and restart the next 40ft back towards the start.

Wheelbarrow Walk: Athlete 1 will start from the plank position with hands underneath the shoulders BEHIND the starting line. Athlete 2 is standing in between the feet of athlete 1, lifting their feet off the ground in any fashion. The rep begins when both athletes advance from the start in this position to the 40ft marker. Swapping out at any time is permitted. 

Bear Crawl: Athletes will start with only their hands and feet in contact with the ground. Hands must be behind the starting line to start. They will move in a crawling position to the 40ft marker.


Floater Workout Description & Standards


At 3-2-1 Go the individual will have 4 minutes to complete their highest lift of 1 Clean + 1 Front Squat + 1 Hang Clean + 1 Front Squat.  The athlete’s bar may be loaded prior to the clock starting.  A squat clean or power clean is permitted, however a squat clean does not count as the front squat.  They must be two separate movements.  The athlete may complete their lift after the 4 minute mark, as long as that lift has been started prior to the 4 minute cap.  Athletes are permitted to reduce the weight on the barbell of a missed lift. If the athlete allows the barbell to touch the ground prior to completing the second front squat, it will be considered a no rep and the entire complex must be repeated. Score will be the highest weight completed for the complex.  


Clean:  Power Clean or Squat Clean is permitted.  Must be one complete movement from the ground to shoulder, with the athlete finishing with the bar in the front rack position.  Athletes must show control at the top of the movement with knees and hips extended.  

Front Squat: Starting from the standing position the athlete must squat below parallel, meaning hip crease passing below the top of the knee.  Then standing all the way back up with knees and hips fully extended.  

Hang Clean: Power or Squat is permitted.  Bar must stay at or above the knee to begin the lift.  Rep is complete when the athlete is standing fully extended, barbell in the front rack, showing control of weight.

Rig Workout Description & Standards

Workout Description 

This is a two score event.  The cap / working time for this event is 12 minutes.  At 3-2-1 Go!  The athlete will begin by completing 21 alternating dumbbell snatches, changing arms after each rep.  Once complete the athlete will move onto their 21 toe to bar, knee raises, or sit-ups (depending on division).  Then back to the dumbbell for the set of 15 snatches, and so on until they have completed the final set of 9 reps.  The athletes first score will be the total time it takes to complete the 21-15-9.  The athlete will then move immediately into the second workout which will be an AMRAP, with whatever time is remaining in 12 minutes.  The AMRAP is an ascending ladder of Wallballs and either bar muscle ups, chest to bar, or burpee to plate (depending on division).  The athlete will start with 10 wallballs, then into 10 chest to bar / burpees, followed by 20 wallballs, and 20 chest to bar / burpees. Continuing to increase by 10 until the 12 min time is up.  The total number of reps will be your second score.  *NOTE the RX division will increase wallballs by 10 each round, but bar muscle ups will only increase by 5 reps.  


Movement Standards

-Alternating Dumbbell Snatch- 

During the DB Snatch, the movement starts with both heads of the DB touching the ground.  The athlete will then lift the DB directly overhead in one motion to the fully locked out position.  The athlete’s knees, and hips fully extended with the arm / dumbbell directly in line with the body.  The athlete may change hands at the top of the rep (overhead), on the way down, or at the bottom.  Dropping the dumbbells from overhead will result in a :10 penalty.   


-Toe To Bar- 

At the start of each rep, the arms must be fully extended with the feet off the ground, and the feet must be brought back behind the bar and the rest of the body. An overhand or split grip are all permitted. Both feet must come into contact with the bar at the same time, inside the hands. 


-Hanging Knee Raise- 

Begin by hanging from the pull-up bar with arms extended. Heels must be brought back behind the bar. Overhand, underhand, or mixed grips are all permitted.  Knees must break hip height on every rep. 



The athlete must begin with the back in contact with the floor, and hands touching the floor above the head.  The rep is credited when the shoulders pass in front of the hips at the top.  



The Wallball must be taken from the bottom of a squat, hip crease below the knee, and thrown to hit the specified target.  

-Dumbbell Goblet Squat- 

The athlete starts standing at full extension with the dumbbell in front of the chest.  A rep is complete when the athlete hip crease is below the knee, and returns back to full extension.  


-Bar Muscle Up- 

The athlete must begin with or pass through a hang below the bar, with arms fully extended and feet off the ground. Kipping the muscle-up is acceptable, but pull-overs, rolls to support, and glide kips are not permitted. No portion of the foot may rise above the lowest part of the bar during the kip.


-Chest To Bar- 

The arms must be fully extended at the bottom, with the feet off the ground. Overhand, underhand or mixed grip are all permitted. At the top, the chest must clearly come into contact with the bar below the collarbone. 


-Burpee To Plate-

The athlete must start in a standing position.  At the bottom of the burpee the athlete’s chest and thighs must make contact with the ground.  The athlete may step up or jump up from the bottom of the burpee.  The rep is complete when the athlete jumps on the plate with knees and hips fully extended at the top.